Flexible Framework: Line-Height


Line-Height: Variables

Add or subtract line heights (%).

/* --------------- Line-Height Variables --------------- */

/* Line-Heights - Add or subtract line heights (%). */
$ln-heights: (100, 125, 150, 175, 200);

/* --------------- /Line-Height Variables --------------- */

Line-Height: Class Prefix Options (Required)

The Line-Height Class Prefix can be written in different ways depending on your desired specificity.

Abbr Strict .ln-height
Strict .line-height

Line-Height: Class Value Extensions (Required)

The following Line-Height values are provided as they are the most commonly used. Line-Height values can be altered in the variable-settings.scss file.

-normal -100 -125 -150 -175 -200

Line-Height: Example Code

<!-- Abbreviated Strict: Line-Height is 1.25. -->
<div class="ln-height-120">Italic Line-Height</div>

<!-- Strict: Line-Height is 2. -->
<div class="line-height-200">Oblique Line-Height</div>