Flexible Framework: Color


Color: Requirements


Color: Black & White

Black and White cannot be lightened or darkened with class name extensions (use gray).

Minimal .cl-black
Strict .color-black
Minimal .cl-white
Strict .color-white

Color: Class Prefix Options (Required)

The Color Class Prefix can be written in different ways depending on your desired specificity.

Minimal .cl
Strict .color

Color: Class Color Extensions (Required)

The following color extensions can be customized and extended in the variable-settings.scss file.

-gray -primary -success -danger
-warning -info -harvest -royal

Color: Class Brightness Extensions (Optional)

The following breakpoint extension can be customized and extended in the variable-settings.scss file.

-darkest -darker -dark
-light -lighter -lightest

Color: Example Code

<!-- Minimal: Creates red text. -->
<div class="cl-red">Red Text</div>

<!-- Minimal: Creates light blue text. -->
<div class="cl-primary-light">Light Blue Text</div>

<!-- Strict: Creates darker purple text. -->
<div class="color-royal-darker">Dark Purple Text</div>

Color: Examples
