Your team members use a wide variety of hardware: iPad, Surface Pro, Dell, Pixel, iPhone, Galaxy Tab, iMac, Lenovo. I could go on, but you get the idea. In terms of screen size, we’ve got you covered through the technique of responsive design. The problem arises from the fact that all these devices run on a variety of platforms: iOS, MacOS, Android, Windows or Chrome OS.
Here’s the beauty of the internet: it doesn’t care what operating system your device uses. It’s platform independent. So, as long as they’re connected to the internet, your team members can use whatever devices they prefer, running whatever OS they prefer. Web apps are platform independent.
While web apps don’t care about your operating system, they do react differently to different browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge, etc). The differences rarely interfere with use of the app, but some of them can be an annoyance. We test our apps in the latest versions of all major browsers. And we are willing to test in older browsers if the use case calls for it.
The platform independence of the web coupled with the technique of responsive design provides access to your data on any internet connected device.